Luxe is a socially responsible company, green and low carbon emissions show our principles of operation. We do our best to minimize the negative impact on the environment at every step of the manufacturing process and constantly improve the environmental management performance. According to the strict standards of local and national regulators, our company has passed the cleaner production audit.
Our environmental programme includes:
Classify all production waste. Hazardous waste is collected and disposed of by third party contractors.
The plant is equipped with a cutting fluid recovery system to minimize waste emissions.
Wastewater is classified and disposed at different stages of the manufacturing process. Our first-class wastewater dispiosng and recovery system and gas emission facilities have been highly appraised by the local government.
The factory is audited annually by the local authority. We conduct regular internal inspections to ensure that all systems operate properly, and that waste emissions meet our internal and national and local standards.Emergency teams organize regular exercises in case of accidents.